Campaign of the Week


Mass Participation Events & The Covid-19 Challenge

Many sectors of society have been hit hard by the Covid-19 restrictions that governments have placed on meetings and movement. Within sponsorship’s sphere of influence, one of the most badly affected activities is mass participation...

How Agencies Are Responding To The Covid-19 Challenge - Spotlight on CSM Sport & Entertainment

The UKSA team has been talking to sponsorship consultancies about how they have been helping clients build brand exposure and engagement at a time when many traditional activation channels are unavailable to them. This week we focus on the work that...

Coca-Cola's 'Make Your Home The Home End' EPL Kickoffs Campaign With 'Watch From Home' Box

Powered by Activative - Creative intelligence to fuel game-changing sports marketing for agencies, brands and rights-holders (

How Agencies Are Responding To The Covid-19 Challenge - Spotlight on M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment

Over the last few weeks, UKSA has been exploring how the global sponsorship industry is responding to the ‘new normal’ imposed by Covid-19. On the frontline are sponsorship consultancies, tasked with finding ways to build brand...

Covid-19 & The UK Sponsorship Industry - Tackling the current crisis and preparing for the future: Part 4 Leveraging The Power Of Digital

Traditional sectors of the economy have suffered severely during the Covid-19 pandemic. But digital platforms have taken up the slack in many areas of our lives – with remote working, distance learning, streaming and ecommerce very much...